00:57 < bridge> but it counts the player if you donwload the thing on the bottom of the page (byMod, byCountry) you just have the date and playercount.. but i wanted to create a graph for players over the years 00:58 < bridge> especially for me 😦 like im playing since 2013-2014 and want to know how many k hours i spent in this lovely game (im not ready to install it on steam because i know the hours will never match the truth) 01:59 < bridge> In Rust, which crate would you suggest me to create a thread pool, that limits the amount of pending tasks? 01:59 < bridge> creating a new task when the task-list if full should block or smth 02:01 < bridge> I have a non-parallel producer, that produces work faster than the worker-threads can keep up with 02:02 < bridge> and the memory usage per-task is relatively high 02:39 < bridge> hi✌️, can you please tell me if this functionality is considered legal? 02:39 < bridge> I press the button 02:40 < bridge> and my dummy hooks me. 02:40 < bridge> /* something similar to how DummyHammer works, only with something like DummyHooK, so to speak for hookfly, or you can use only hook for dummy without auto-aiming (only for dummy) as is done with the standard one 02:40 < bridge> DummyHook */ 02:40 < bridge> hi✌️, can you please tell me if this functionality is considered legal? 02:40 < bridge> ``` 02:40 < bridge> I press the button 02:40 < bridge> and my dummy hooks me. 02:40 < bridge> /* something similar to how DummyHammer works, only with something like DummyHooK, so to speak for hookfly, or you can use only hook for dummy without auto-aiming (only for dummy) as is done with the standard one 02:40 < bridge> DummyHook */ 02:40 < bridge> ``` 02:56 < bridge> just by googling threadpool crate seems to have a job limit 03:39 < bridge> <0xdeen> Thanks @matrosel_i ! 03:43 < bridge> @matrosel_i ouo 04:18 < ws-client> @Patiga here u go xd https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GAaucUvmIuc 04:36 < bridge> Sometimes I feel like I want to do code streams 09:37 < ws-client> deen did you even sleep tonight? xd 09:39 < bridge> did u want to ping me? 09:40 < bridge> ah the video even says 09:40 < bridge> lmao 09:41 < ws-client> i tried to ping Patiga because he requested a stream xd 09:41 < bridge> btw the Bob guy that created the issue asked on discord 09:41 < bridge> before he created the issue 09:41 < ws-client> who sent him to gh? 09:52 < bridge> chiller: defs 11/10 video 09:53 < bridge> lovin it 09:53 < bridge> u talk about speedrunning it in 10 seconds and take like 10 minutes to find a config variable 09:53 < bridge> lmao 10:06 < bridge> https://tenor.com/jCU9ajMUkE0.gif 10:07 < ws-client> fakof jopsti -.- 10:10 < bridge> dw chiller it prob takes him 15 10:10 < ws-client> axaxaxax 10:11 < ws-client> but we will never know cuz jopsti too scared to do stream hehe 10:11 < bridge> i can do a stream, but something in dd-pg 10:11 < bridge> morning 10:11 < bridge> some useful feature 10:13 < bridge> morning to rust devs 10:13 < bridge> does anyone of you ever had a deja vu where you enter a specific room and you feel like the room is so fucking familiar and also the following times you enter that room it still makes you feel weird about it ? 10:13 < ws-client> did you see a black cat? 10:13 < bridge> No, but during the past say 1-2 weeks i got to know a person whose flat is weirdly familiar 10:13 < bridge> sounds more like nostalgia 10:13 < bridge> Possibly, but I've never been her 10:13 < bridge> so you never where there before? 10:13 < bridge> here* 10:13 < bridge> ah ok 10:13 < bridge> No 10:14 < ws-client> yes jopsti go strim ddpg 10:15 < bridge> sometimes when i eat stuff i also connect it to completely random things that have nothing to do with eating.. i guess our brain simply connects experiences that way 10:15 < bridge> chillerdragon, now or what? 10:15 < bridge> And it's funny, when I first got into the flat I was already feeling that it's very familiar, but when I saw the bathroom I was really concerned as the shape of the bathroom including a little staircase is something I've never seen before I think but it feels like I did 10:15 < ws-client> i go to the beach now 10:15 < ws-client> make sure to keep it online after the stream so i can watch it when i have time 10:15 < bridge> Beach in Bayern ? 10:15 < bridge> Bavaria 10:15 < ws-client> i was told that smelling something is pretty op at reviving memories 10:15 < ws-client> leak 10:16 < bridge> Yes 10:16 < ws-client> no proper beach in bali 10:16 < bridge> But nothing here smells "familiar" 10:16 < bridge> I'm currently in that flat haha 10:16 < bridge> chiller i can stream some day when u have nothing better to do than me struggeling 10:16 < ws-client> leak 10:16 < ws-client> you want me to watch live? 10:17 < bridge> walking around and finding trying to find out why its this way haha 10:17 < ws-client> then you gotta stream 24/7 and at some point ima tune in 10:17 < bridge> chiller i dunno, u said stream.. if u dont want it live, i can also just record it lmao 10:17 < ws-client> also ok 10:17 < ws-client> but stream is more fun even if missed 10:18 < ws-client> ok beach time fr now 10:18 < ws-client> @robsti dont forget to merge 0.7 pr 10:26 < bridge> i would tune into jopsti stream 10:30 < bridge> like it it's funny 😄 10:30 < bridge> `chatgpt or chatcpp` 😅 10:50 < bridge> u want to view it live or what 10:50 < bridge> i didnt stream often in my live, especially not in english 10:50 < bridge> but i can try lmao 10:51 < bridge> 2024 year of programming streams? :poggers: 10:59 < bridge> ok i have a topic i could try 10:59 < bridge> lez go 10:59 < bridge> https://youtu.be/RX5kmyOoXBA 11:09 < bridge> oh shit 11:09 < bridge> i was about to do one but now i will watch yours 11:10 < bridge> https://github.com/DoctorWkt/acwj such a cool repo 11:12 < bridge> 🤣 11:12 < bridge> https://youtu.be/D7ZHQOM8ty4 11:13 < bridge> i didnt know that if i mute in one scene it also mutes in another 11:13 < bridge> ah 11:13 < bridge> yea 11:13 < bridge> quickly delete evidence 12:03 < bridge> afternoon robsti 12:18 < bridge> good day 12:21 < bridge> oh he working on he's rust version of TW 12:22 < bridge> @jupeyy_keks hehe, nice 12:22 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1236624073107308684/image.png?ex=6638af6a&is=66375dea&hm=6bdb4810bafde244038b34cda407c65344df6287e8f9828a9f335094d31ec299& 12:22 < bridge> oh 69 😍 12:43 < ws-client> I love how #8303 is an epic issue discussing problems affecting future decades. Good timing robsti. So should we slap some C++20 label on that issue? 12:46 < ws-client> jopsti nononono 12:46 < bridge> Char abuf(2048) ez fix 12:46 < ws-client> I said i am at the beach for a sec and i want to watch it later in case i missed it 12:46 < ws-client> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1714905969.png 12:46 < ws-client> ._. 12:48 < ws-client> yessss jopsti this is why i wanted live stream! I caught you in action 12:49 < ws-client> Patiga started epic trend 12:49 < bridge> 😄 13:29 < bridge> hyprland is such a hate-loving relationship 13:29 < bridge> i love flashy colors, but i also hate having to open the config every 5 seconds lol 13:42 < bridge> also hate wayland lmao 13:47 < bridge> :D - how many custom keybinds are you using btw? - i was in awe seeing how fast you navigated through vsc, that speed is something i only ever get when using nvim 13:47 < bridge> and you used your mouse! 13:48 < bridge> mhh hard to say, sometimes i use many sometimes i don't use them at all. 13:48 < bridge> 13:48 < bridge> what i often use is `ctrl + p` to open files quickly & `ctrl + space` & `tab`/`enter` to try to let rust analyzer do stuff 13:48 < bridge> mouse is best 13:49 < bridge> did you use an AI assistant for code completion? or was that solely rust-analyzer 13:49 < bridge> that was rust-analyzer only 13:49 < bridge> damn 14:03 < ws-client> jopsti is average windows enjoyer using da mouse 14:04 < ws-client> When i boot ddnet and check the local console it says `2024-05-05 20:02:13 D stun/4: got address: ` followed by some ip 14:05 < ws-client> whose ip is that? 14:05 < bridge> oh, thats just my ip grabber i PR'd without them noticing 14:05 < bridge> dont worry about it 14:05 < ws-client> backdoor moment 14:06 < ws-client> If i look mine up it reveals my location. I would have leaked that on stream. Which could have been a problem if my location wasn't publicly known already. 14:07 < ws-client> Imo opening the local console should not reveal your location. 14:26 < bridge> bcs it's just faster 14:26 < bridge> mouse haters just have skill issue :lol: 14:28 < ws-client> yes i for sure have mouse aim issues 14:30 < bridge> true my aim sucks 14:34 < ws-client> jopstis rust auto completion looks pog 14:35 < ws-client> jopsti teach me how to not lose chat window in the vod xd 14:37 < bridge> i have no idea. it was always there for me 14:37 < ws-client> ye same for me on other yt accs 14:37 < ws-client> but this time it got lost on stream end xd 14:37 < ws-client> so jopsti daily 2h streams now? 14:47 < bridge> @jupeyy_keks I now did some multithreading for the encoder, it uses most of the cpu now :) 14:47 < bridge> epyc. have you looked into if you can use VAAPI/hardware acceleration easily too? 14:48 < bridge> i'd be really interested in how fast that would be 😄 14:48 < bridge> hm are those ffmpeg configurations? I was hoping the ffmpeg would already choose the best method of encoding ^^ 14:50 < bridge> thanks :) 14:50 < bridge> I found that `rayon` offers an API to turn non-parallel iterators into parallel ones, that works out nicely https://docs.rs/rayon/latest/rayon/iter/trait.ParallelBridge.html#tymethod.par_bridge 14:50 < bridge> it is configuration, but at least working with the c ffmpeg it was very hard to do xD 14:50 < bridge> not like "yo use GPU" 14:50 < bridge> hmm, I'll take a look 14:51 < bridge> Really? I thought ffmpeg did have an abstraction so you wouldn’t have to know anything about vaapi/nvenc 14:55 < bridge> it has an abstraction, but it was still hard to enable it 14:55 < bridge> well hard enough that i lost interest at least 14:55 < bridge> .. try even to find source code examples lmao 15:08 < bridge> ```rust 15:08 < bridge> fn main() -> u32 { 15:08 < bridge> let x: A = A { 15:08 < bridge> a: 2 15:08 < bridge> }; 15:08 < bridge> 15:08 < bridge> let y: u32 = x.hello(4); 15:08 < bridge> 15:08 < bridge> return y; 15:08 < bridge> } 15:08 < bridge> 15:08 < bridge> struct A { 15:08 < bridge> a: u32, 15:08 < bridge> } 15:08 < bridge> 15:08 < bridge> impl A { 15:08 < bridge> pub fn hello(self: &A, x: u32) -> u32 { 15:08 < bridge> return self.a + x; 15:08 < bridge> } 15:08 < bridge> } 15:08 < bridge> ``` 15:08 < bridge> edlang now supports struct methods 15:08 < bridge> i dont have specialized self syntax but its nice 15:08 < bridge> still havent added strings xd 15:22 < bridge> :brownbear: 15:25 < bridge> @jupeyy_keks is training in aimlabs for vscode lmao 15:27 < bridge> do you want to tell me you all don't use mouse when coding? 15:28 < bridge> nop 15:31 < bridge> just turn your mouse on its back to prevent habits 15:31 < bridge> but i actually think working with mouse is better xD 15:32 < bridge> it's often much faster than doing it over keyboard 15:36 < bridge> keybinds are kinda better xd 15:36 < bridge> imgine you wanna go down a few lines. how you would do it is either spam Down or you swith to mouse, move down and click and then switch back to keyboard xd 15:36 < bridge> with keybinds you can just like 16j and youre down 16 lines 15:37 < bridge> and how do you count the lines? xd 15:37 < bridge> relative line numbers xd 15:37 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1236673165753585734/image.png?ex=6638dd22&is=66378ba2&hm=eb0a33258bc4dde6d79ddbf4587de718e81002aa7635e66baab6ed7a841e0c95& 15:38 < bridge> well but with your key bind you have to trigger the bind + input a number 15:38 < bridge> that doesnt sound faster 15:39 < bridge> its if i want to go 15 lines down its 3 keys lmao 15:39 < bridge> but with mouse i can also directly click where in the line i want to go 15:40 < bridge> you can share coding if you want. i'd like to see if it's worth it 15:40 < bridge> maybe in a few years when im actually good and fast at vim motions xdd 15:46 < bridge> @teero777 btw apparently you asked how the code diff looked like: 15:46 < bridge> `28 files changed, 557 insertions(+), 248 deletions(-)` 15:46 < bridge> code diff of what? Xd 15:47 < bridge> i asked about cloc in your src dir xd 15:47 < bridge> sounded like u wanted the code diff from the stream 15:47 < bridge> ah of all source code? 15:47 < bridge> yy 15:48 < bridge> ``` 15:48 < bridge> tokei src/* lib/* game/* 15:48 < bridge> =============================================================================== 15:48 < bridge> Language Files Lines Code Comments Blanks 15:48 < bridge> =============================================================================== 15:48 < bridge> TOML 76 1346 1231 10 105 15:48 < bridge> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15:48 < bridge> Rust 645 118564 103884 3483 11197 15:48 < bridge> |- Markdown 264 1826 105 1652 69 15:48 < bridge> (Total) 120390 103989 5135 11266 15:48 < bridge> =============================================================================== 15:48 < bridge> Total 721 119910 105115 3493 11302 15:48 < bridge> =============================================================================== 15:48 < bridge> ``` 15:57 < bridge> but that takes one of your hands off of the keyboard, location within the line is the harder part, but you get used to it 15:57 < bridge> the only thing nvim is faster is in line movement, actual navigation "can!" be faster, but i usually just do /Whateveriwanttojumpto 15:58 < bridge> the only thing nvim is faster is in line movement imho, actual navigation "can!" be faster, but i usually just do /Whateveriwanttojumpto 15:59 < bridge> I use $,^, W/E, w/e a lot 16:00 < bridge> what is line movement 16:01 < bridge> lets say you have this line: 16:01 < bridge> 16:01 < bridge> ``` 16:01 < bridge> rofi -show combi -combi-modi "window,drun,ssh" -modi combi 16:01 < bridge> ``` 16:01 < bridge> 16:01 < bridge> if you want to jump to the third , (for example editing out ssh) 16:01 < bridge> 16:01 < bridge> you'd say: 3f, 16:01 < bridge> 16:01 < bridge> 3 jumps to the character , 16:01 < bridge> I find myself using `va{` and `ci(` a lot aswell, and I have treesitter based ones too 16:02 < bridge> lets say you have this line: 16:02 < bridge> 16:02 < bridge> ``` 16:02 < bridge> rofi -show combi -combi-modi "window,drun,ssh" -modi combi 16:02 < bridge> ``` 16:02 < bridge> 16:02 < bridge> if you want to jump to the third , (for example editing out ssh) 16:02 < bridge> 16:02 < bridge> you'd say: `3f,` 16:02 < bridge> 16:02 < bridge> 3 jumps to the character `,` 16:03 < bridge> i should use visual mode more tbh, im wasting a lot of potential lmao 16:04 < bridge> I very rarely yank without visuals, idk it's just a habit 16:04 < bridge> even things like `v10jy` 16:06 < bridge> @learath2 show how you coding pls 16:06 < bridge> @blaiszephyr u too 16:06 < bridge> no excuses 16:06 < bridge> my arch setup? because i've sent my windows one already 16:06 < bridge> lol 16:07 < bridge> I'm not very impressive yet, I'm still warming up to my new setup after years of vscode 16:07 < bridge> really, when? 16:07 < bridge> this 16:07 < bridge> right 16:08 < bridge> here 16:08 < bridge> what AI is that? 16:08 < bridge> copilot 16:08 < bridge> that autofulfills the macro 16:08 < bridge> ok 16:08 < bridge> but 16:08 < bridge> its autofill was ass 16:08 < bridge> stop aiing code :pepeW: 16:09 < bridge> i realized its aiing wasnt aiing enough, so i didnt even autocomplete >:c 16:09 < bridge> we'll all be replaced by the robots soon enough, let us enjoy the few remaining years of our craft 16:09 < bridge> i dumped it again tho, i wanted to try it out and its writing unsafe code to a point where im questioning from where this AI fetches its data 16:10 < bridge> It's probably much better at C/C++ or JS 16:10 < bridge> much bigger pool of old code 16:10 < bridge> python too 16:10 < bridge> i rather have no completion than wrong completion tho 16:12 < bridge> gg i broke my waybar, deleted wrong config 16:12 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1236681883484684319/image.png?ex=6638e541&is=663793c1&hm=587a7772b6ac6dcd5688b289bc6c2deb9b653efd8bc08c1fd7a0e062ea221354& 16:12 < bridge> REEEEE 16:17 < ws-client> Good think configs are checked in in git 16:17 < ws-client> thing* omg xd 17:26 < bridge> haha .. yeah.. i totally put up my waybar in my dotfiles.. ha .. yeah!! 17:36 < bridge> @learath2 now say again that browsers use lot of RAM lmao 17:36 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1236703010772484156/image.png?ex=6638f8ee&is=6637a76e&hm=e953b1249fb92ba3d6068fbd9184014af5c1d4156857ffe95bd56b1e1e18386c& 17:36 < bridge> 8.5 GB 17:36 < bridge> i need more RAM 17:38 < bridge> https://tenor.com/view/cat-shaking-head-cat-funny-face-gif-24056859 17:39 < bridge> https://tenor.com/view/gpu-trash-garbage-old-hardware-old-gpu-gif-24996641 17:41 < bridge> wrong bin... 17:41 < bridge> Mister, I believe that 8 and a half kilobytes are not 8 an 17:41 < bridge> Mister, I believe that 8 and a half thousand kilobytes are not 8 and a half gigabytes 17:42 < bridge> Mister, I believe that 8,500 kilobytes are not 8.5 gigabytes 17:42 < bridge> its 8.5 million KB 17:42 < bridge> but 8 million 17:42 < bridge> Aw. Ouch. 17:42 < bridge> i restarted it, now it only uses 3.5GB RAM 17:43 < bridge> _only_ 😏 17:43 < bridge> classic restart fixes everything 17:43 < bridge> It is time to install LXQt 17:43 < bridge> we sent people to the moon with 4KB 17:43 < bridge> :MonkaS: 17:43 < bridge> Wow, nice to meet someone from NASA 17:44 < bridge> Wow, nice to meet someone from NASA in DDNet community 17:45 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1236705241815060540/image.png?ex=6638fb02&is=6637a982&hm=9367a508a32d2c4edb70f062b737c2475fd51b47e3f3bc20af02566bb7713661& 17:46 < bridge> Censoring swears successfully failed 18:12 < bridge> how much do you have? 18:13 < bridge> 32 18:13 < bridge> next pc must have 128 18:13 < bridge> just to set a sign 18:13 < bridge> modern developers "leaving resource cleanup to the OS" 18:14 < bridge> Where in the src do i handle the players input? 18:14 < bridge> ive tried looking in controls.cpp and around im probably bein dumb 18:14 < bridge> but it seems like controls.cpp is just for the dummy 18:14 < bridge> 18:15 < bridge> woop woop 18:15 < bridge> is da sound of the police 18:16 < bridge> if i was tryna do somthing malicious or cheat i wouldnt be just askin straight in the ddnet server 18:16 < bridge> :D 18:16 < bridge> you would be surprised how shameless some are 😄 18:16 < bridge> oh 18:16 < bridge> well 18:16 < bridge> anyway, what do you mean by player input? 18:16 < bridge> like 18:16 < bridge> it's mostly all in controls.cpp 18:16 < bridge> oh 18:16 < bridge> so maybe i am being dumb 18:16 < bridge> i wanna basically check to see if a key is pressed 18:16 < bridge> and if so 18:16 < bridge> shoot some partciles 18:16 < bridge> xD 18:17 < bridge> ive been playing around with partciles and got some cool rgb trail now for my tee 18:17 < bridge> we've seen a looot of stuff 18:17 < bridge> allo melon 18:18 < bridge> you are modern dev, you use go at work with gc 18:18 < bridge> 😬 18:18 < bridge> I think I would have something like that in a `CComponent` of it's own, with an `OnInput` hook 18:18 < bridge> you are a modern dev, you use go at work with gc 18:18 < bridge> I work under distress 18:19 < bridge> allo 18:29 < bridge> Yeah so ive made my function n stuff for the particle shoot and checks the config is active 18:29 < bridge> sry im still learning :D 20:04 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1236740224961347725/GMxAQvsXcAADheF.jpg?ex=66391b97&is=6637ca17&hm=3282e547a6ff23abd429d6dd05e12e37192ba4935f2fa2f189eda38944b3c124& 21:38 < bridge> @sanicxii 21:40 < bridge> nahhh 💀 💀 💀 💀 22:12 < bridge> lmao the grenades 23:56 < bridge> should i do a stream 23:59 < bridge> yes please but at German awake times xd