Top 500 / Top 20

ZAF Ranks

Points (32188 total)

1.27952 ptsNovaShock
2.26856 ptsRyu
3.25332 ptsMystery?
4.21673 ptsSoapy Sandwich
5.20508 ptsXxDarkNezZ
6.19607 ptsJimmy Jazz
7.17090 ptsHer0
8.17072 ptsAbel Moolman
9.14604 ptsgarry
10.14329 ptsc[]okie m[]nsta
11.13763 ptsSuper
12.12987 ptsSupaNovA
13.12825 ptsKuZu
14.11433 ptsHake
15.11426 ptsBugsy*
16.10760 ptsAshley
17.10739 ptsMariac
18.9422 ptsstompie
19.9230 ptsTrill
20.9169 pts[D]NovaShock

Team Rank

1.28563 ptsNovaShock
2.18035 ptsSoapy Sandwich
3.14729 ptsMystery?
4.14678 ptsJimmy Jazz
5.13651 ptsRyu
6.10656 pts[D]NovaShock
7.8004 ptsXxDarkNezZ
8.6415 ptsSuper
9.6068 ptsHer0
10.5371 ptsstompie
11.5104 ptsAshley
12.3837 ptsOverturnedOnion
13.3783 ptsAbel Moolman
14.3745 ptsSupaNovA
15.3723 ptsdarky
16.3339 ptsBugsy*
17.2847 ptsNidalee
18.2812 ptsMariac
19.2707 ptsKuZu
20.2593 ptsFrosch


1.36718 ptsNovaShock
2.20132 ptsRyu
3.16631 ptsSoapy Sandwich
4.13512 ptsJimmy Jazz
5.13431 ptsMystery?
6.11764 ptsXxDarkNezZ
7.8441 ptsSuper
8.5619 pts[D]NovaShock
9.5485 ptsdarky
10.4791 ptsHer0
11.4161 ptsKuZu
12.3788 ptsAbel Moolman
13.3746 ptsBugsy*
14.3638 ptsAshley
15.2896 ptsSupaNovA
16.2866 ptsHake
17.2742 ptsgarry
18.2642 ptsstompie
19.2197 ptsTrill
20.1852 ptsFrosch

Points (past 365 days)

1.3465 ptsgarry
2.3318 ptswet
3.3091 ptsRAGE?
4.2976 ptsFruitLoops
5.2907 ptsSlaapapie
6.2798 ptsSuper
7.2540 ptsBloodslain
8.2449 ptsDrag
9.2188 ptsMYTHICAL
10.2133 ptsgrooticeman
11.1923 ptsL3m0nRoCk
12.1908 ptsUnlucksMcGee
13.1780 ptsMystery?
14.1691 ptsSirDeano
15.1620 ptsKuZu
16.1559 ptsPen
17.1507 ptsc[]okie m[]nsta
18.1457 ptsMyst
19.1295 ptsRyu
20.1289 ptsPineapple

Points (past 30 days)

1.859 ptsDrag
2.472 ptsFruitLoops
3.453 ptsKiewiet
4.398 ptsSlettie
5.332 ptsJu!ce
6.324 ptsBloodslain
7.269 ptslvlup
8.264 ptswet
9.236 ptsSpaDe
10.221 ptsMeMBraNe
11.218 ptsSuper
12.210 ptsSlettie se kind
13.205 ptsgarry
14.194 ptsMYTHICAL
15.180 ptsRAGE?
16.171 ptsMyst
17.155 ptsSlaapapie
18.149 ptsPen
19.142 ptslelk
20.133 ptsGh0st

Points (past 7 days)

1.126 ptslvlup
2.124 ptsDrag
3.120 ptsBloodslain
3.120 ptsSlettie
5.96 ptsHype
6.91 ptsKiewiet
7.80 ptsMYTHICAL
8.77 ptsLVLup
9.75 ptsSlettie se kind
10.74 ptsSuper
11.71 ptsJu!ce
12.70 ptsjules
12.70 ptsSirDeano
14.63 ptslelk
14.63 ptsMyst
14.63 ptswet
14.63 ptsFruitLoops
18.50 ptsN_I_K_K_Y
19.48 ptsSlaapapie
19.48 pts7up

Last Finishes

06:03: Novice: Empire Desp by Slettie se kind (36:47)
06:02: Novice: Empire Desp by Slettie (36:07)
06:01: DDmaX.Next: Frats 3 by SirDeano (46:20)
05:58: Novice: Empire Desp by lelk (25:39)
05:58: Novice: Empire Desp by KuZu (25:34)
05:55: Novice: Empire Desp by YouZA9123 (17:39)
05:55: Novice: Empire Desp by jules (17:17)
05:54: Novice: Empire Desp by Slaapapie (17:43)
05:47: DDmaX.Next: Frats 3 by Drag (24:39)
05:47: DDmaX.Next: Frats 3 by Senin (24:55)
05:20: DDmaX.Next: Frats 3 by Bloodslain (15:53)
05:20: DDmaX.Next: Frats 3 by Hype (15:53)
04:54: DDmaX.Next: Frats 2 by Bloodslain (13:00)
04:54: DDmaX.Next: Frats 2 by Hype (13:00)
04:19: Novice: Tutorial by egorsandalov070 (06:30)
03:45: Moderate: Not Adrenaline 4 by Drag (06:22)
01:59: Novice: Water Lily by YouZA9123 (03:06)
01:59: Novice: Water Lily by [D] YouZA9123 (03:00)
01:27: Novice: Water Lily by LVLup (12:46)
01:18: Novice: Water Lily by KAAS (03:22)

Points Calculation


You earn points for finishing a map you've never finished before. Every map has a difficulty indicated by its stars. The servers have the following multipliers and offsets:

Server Type Multiplier Offset
Novice 1 0
Moderate 2 5
Brutal 3 15
Insane 4 30
Dummy 5 5
DDmaX.* 4 0
Oldschool 6 0
Solo 4 0
Race 2 0

The points you earned for a map are calculated as follows:


Team Rank

Join team x using /team x and finish in it to earn a team record. The global and server wide team ranks are calculated from your team ranks:

1st place25 points
2nd place18 points
3rd place15 points
4th place12 points
5th place10 points
6th place8 points
7th place6 points
8th place4 points
9th place2 points
10th place1 point


Finish a map, no matter in which team, to earn a record. The global and server wide ranks are calculated from your ranks:

1st place25 points
2nd place18 points
3rd place15 points
4th place12 points
5th place10 points
6th place8 points
7th place6 points
8th place4 points
9th place2 points
10th place1 point

Refreshed: 2024-05-15 21:31:38